Friday, February 29, 2008

We're back home!

I finally got to bring Payton home from the clinic and was able to convince our doctor to let us go. We are both exhausted from a 9 hour day and and really glad to come home. We are hoping that we can stay fever free and out of the hospital this weekend. I was looking at Payton today in the clinic and feeling really sorry for him and how crappy he felt. It was such a good feeling to think that this is the last time he has to go through this. The best words that I can use to describe this is, it's been a roller coaster ride to remember. We have another appointment at the clinic on Monday, hopefully we make it that long. We are exhausted from a long day and heading to bed. I love you little guy. You were so brave today!

1 comment:

aurora said...

Roller coaster ride, indeed! You may be up and down and screaming and terrified, but it WILL end and you are just about to pull into the station.

You guys are an amazing family and have been such an inspiration to me.

Payton is such a brave and wonderful boy!