Monday, March 10, 2008

Over the weekend, Savannah got a little tired of us and decided that she’s had enough togetherness. She went up to her room and put signs on her door. Don't we all feel like doing this sometimes?


Rochelleht said...

I LOVE it! Jane did sometime similar to this once. I'm sure that has been so hard on Savannah. I'm glad she is able to express herself. Too cute!

aurora said...

That's a laugh!

Sounds like a good sign that she is feeling normalcy return and she feels comfortable that no one is going anywhere.

Greg Hanson said...

I know another Savannah that does the very same thing, and often. But it's not always negative. Warning signs, like Rochelle stated, are a healthy expression of her feelings. Showing she has the confidence to display her feelings is a good sign.

Jennifer Crawford said...

My fistey little Savannah- glad to see that she can let you know how she is feeling!