Thursday, March 27, 2008

What a beautiful day it was today. I wish that the weather would stay like this year around. I’m not looking forward to summer; Texas summers are miserably hot. Payton and I got out this afternoon and went to QT to get a drink. If feels so weird being able to take him into stores. I can’t believe that we made it through the past ten months. What chaos life can be sometimes? I was thinking about the challenges we are faced with in life today. I feel my family has had their fair share in the past year, not only Chad, I and the kids, but the rest of my family as well. It has made me think a lot about where I need to be and in what direction I need to be heading. I have to admit that at times in my life I have been a fence sitter; you either have to be on one side or the other. You can’t question what the Lord knows is right for you. Sometimes we are given challenges to make our faith grow stronger. I feel that I have a close bond with my kids right now and I wonder if it would be that way if I hadn’t been through all that I have the past year? I have found myself really enjoying Payton and even though he is in his terrible twos right now, it’s not bothering me a bit. I am enjoying and loving every minute of it as I watch him become himself again, a little more each day. I have such a testimony of the power of prayer and the spirit. I could not face the day without this direction in my life. Use every challenge as a chance to make your faith grow stronger and ask what I am supposed to learn from this, because I believe that we are given challenges to help us grow and get us headed in the right direction. I have never come upon a situation that I have felt as powerless as I have this past year. Maybe that was the Lord’s way of teaching me how to have faith. It has been amazing to me the people that have come into our lives and what Christ like people they are. That alone has made me want to be a better person.

Payton will be back to the clinic tomorrow for a CBC and to have his port flushed. I am so grateful for these quick visits.

1 comment:

aurora said...

Thanks for your words. I know that I need to stop and smell the roses a bit more than I do.

It is amazing how we come to rely on the Lord when we are knocked down or out of our comfort zone. I learned that last year when Lilly was sick, but it is fading a bit. Thanks for reminding me. I really needed it this week. It's been struggle.