Sunday, January 20, 2008

Through all of Payton’s trials the past 7-1/2 months, he has continued to grow as a little boy and has developed skills to communicate, albeit in a unique way all his own. For example, here are a few translations that might come in handy when carrying on a conversation with Payton:

When referring to his;

Cars blanket, he says “Mater cold”

Dog pillow “ruff ruff night night”

Chicken nuggets are “Chins”

Cars are “his vroom, vrooms”

Trains are “choo, choos”

Dogs are “ruff, ruffs”

Cats are “mow, mows”

Anything pasta (sometimes including oatmeal) are “hot noodles”

Treats are “num, nums”

When something is dirty it “has eee eees “

Everything is “baby wants”. He still refers to himself in the third person.
Payton must still have Christmas on his mind. He will put all sorts of toys and objects in boxes and wrap them with his blanket and say “I want to open up this prize, watch baby”. We spend a lot of time during the day finding objects to open.

We are so dreading going to the hospital on Monday. Although we know we need to get this 9th round done, we aren’t excited about it. We hate these five day rounds and dread the repercussions. We’ll keep you posted on how things go.

1 comment:

aurora said...

I am glad to hear of all of his funny little sayings! Aren't kids hilarious?

My favorite one that Nicky says for 'all by myself' is 'olla bolly sows'! It cracks me up. :)