While the nurse was out Payton raided the band-aid drawer.
Went to the clinic today to have Payton’s counts checked and to be admitted and found out that his counts are still not high enough. His ANC is 500 and needs to be 750; platelets are fine. We are super frustrated since we are very anxious to get this over with. We were told that towards the end of treatment it sometimes takes longer for the counts to recover. We thought for sure that today was going to be the day, but looks like they will have us come back on Thursday. Also, got a few pictures of Payton while at the clinic today.
Emily, Your blogs each day lift me as you show such strength while in such turmoil. We (me and grandpa M.) check every day. Hope this is over soon. We love you all.
Ugh! I am sure that Payton wasn't as frustrated at not having to stay as you and Chad were.
I hope that Thursday will be the day to get this one started.
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