Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I have been a nervous wreck anticipating the arrival of Payton’s CT/MRI on Wednesday. I am really trying to stay optimistic but I just can’t get it off of my mind. Payton’s really doing well other than from time to time he will complain of his stomach hurting. I really believe he is dealing with GI track issues from the chemo and radiation he received. We are just holding our breath that the side effects will be minimal.

What a sweet boy he is. I can’t believe how handsome he is getting as his hair starts coming in.
He doesn’t even look as if he’s been through chemo anymore; he just looks like he has a short summer haircut.

Chad took off to Canada on Sunday until Friday and the kids and I are just enjoying being together. If I can get through Wednesday, I know that I will feel much better. We will be back to the clinic on Friday, to have Payton’s port flushed and to further discuss Payton’s port removal. Only two appointments this week and yet I feel like it consumes so much of your week. I really don’t know how we made it through the past year. I will keep you updated on the results of the scans. Hopefully, I’ll know more on Wednesday evening. Hope everyone is having a good summer.


Rochelleht said...

Good luck. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying for you.

Ashley Mae McKnight said...

You hadn't posted in a week- I was wondering where you went! Aw! I would be nervous beyond belief, I cannot imagine. I will be praying for you and your family. You are such a good Mom Emily!

aurora said...

My prayers are with you guys!
Payton sure does look handsome. :)