Sunday, June 22, 2008

ARR ARR Captain; we're off to Utah and Idaho!

Payton, Savannah and I are finally on the airplane and on our way to Utah. We are so excited to have this vacation, we can hardly wait. It will be great to see family. We will stay at my parents until Chad arrives later this week, after which we will head to Idaho to spend several days visiting his family. Then we will head back to Utah to spend time with my family at Bear Lake.

The kids received a post card in the mail from grandpa Archibald. He plans a theme each summer for the grandkids. We have all sorts of activities based upon the theme and do this at our family cabin in Bear Lake. The themes the past two years were Survivor and Amazing Race. This year the theme is Pirates of the Caribbean. Payton has been carrying the post card around asking me "Mom, what do pirates say?". I respond by asking him what he thinks a pirate says, and he exclaims, “ARR, ARR, captain.” Last year Payton missed out since he was in the hospital, so we are especially excited to go back and join in the fun. My dad always spends the whole year planning the activities and it’s always a blast. Regardless whatever we do we are always glad to go back and see family. We haven’t been to Idaho Falls in two years so we are anxious to get there as well.

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