Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day!

It dawned on me today what we were doing last Labor day. We were in between chemo treatments and were exhausted since we had been tied to the hospital all summer. We decided to get away for the afternoon and drive to Fossil Rim. We stopped at a gas station to get ice for our cooler. It felt so exciting to be getting away out of town even if it was only for a few hours. I remember thinking to myself that I wanted to get in the car and drive far away and never come back. I remember thinking at that point that this would never end. Wow, what a difference a year makes.

Today we were actually quite content just to be at home. We made a quick trip to Fry’s to get a replacement piece for my laptop and afterwards, we were all ready to go home. Chad took the day off and we never are all off together, we are all exhausted from playing tag (switching off the kids) that it actually just felt good to have us all home for a day.

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