Sunday, September 28, 2008

Potty Training Days...

We have been trying to potty train Payton now for 6 months. Since Payton finished with treatment he has shown little desire. We have tried every bribery trick from treats, money, to hot wheel cars. This past week Chad started talking to Payton about how Speed Racer goes on the big boy potty. We went out and bought him some speed racer underwear and wow, I think that did the trick. Payton has gone 3 days now without having an accident. Payton has had us all cracking up this weekend as he has carried around his pack of speed racer underwear and has been telling us Speed Racer and Trixie go on the big boy potty. Hey, whatever works, right? If I recall Chad is the one that actually got Savannah potty trained as well. Savannah was easy to potty train compared to this kid. Hopefully we are there with it and he will continue to do well.

I hate to brag, but this is my journal, so I guess I can. I am so thrilled with how Payton is looking these days. His little legs are filling out so nice, I think they are about the size of Savannah's now. His face is looking good. I seriously could not be more thrilled. I am so grateful to see him recovering so nicely and very grateful to not be seeing any side effects yet (keeping our fingers crossed). I have waited for over a year to get to this point. We have so much to be grateful for.


Rochelleht said...

Oh, he totally does look adorable! Not a brag at all. Just the truth! I'm so glad you found the trick to the potty training. YEAH!!

aurora said...

Yes, he is a total cutie. ♥

In your house it was Speed Racer and in ours it was Pirates. Who knew that they all went on the big boy potty? ☺

aurora said...
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Breck said...

Potty training is hard! I wanted to give up a couple of times with Hadley. Good job Speed Racer!

Tanalyn said...

Oh, the joys of potty training.....i'm not looking forward to it again with yet another boy! They say girls are usually easier. Hope he keeps those big boy pants dry! Train on!