Sunday, April 6, 2008

All boy!

As Payton starts to recover I notice more each day that he is all boy. Payton spends most of his day looking for rocks, sticks, bugs, and water or mud to play in. It dawned on me the other day, that he probably doesn’t remember really spending time outside playing. He is so dang cute and I am loving watching him. He is such a sweet little boy. It is so great not having to worry about appointments and running back and forth to the hospital. I really can’t even explain how nice it is. This has really made me stop and realize the quality time that I want to have with my kids. Yes, it is always in the back of my head, that what if we ever hear the dreaded words again or if we are going to deal with long term side effects. I am really trying not to think about it too much, because you could really stress yourself out. I just love this little guy so much and I am so proud of him for bouncing back as well as he has. He is truly the one that has helped me bounce back as well.


aurora said...

Cute! Love the one of him in the laundry basket. ♥

Laura said...
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irbuanosraL said...

Awww, so cute. The one in the basket, lol! Chase fell asleep in the closet the other day.