Saturday, May 17, 2008

I am really trying to move on with life and get back to a normal routine. Is it strange that I am struggling still? I fell that this has emotionally drained me. I cry at just the smallest things. How do you recover after going through something like this? How do you find anything normal anymore? I am really trying to pull it together, but it just seems to be taking me a while. The more that I see Payton start to recover and the more that I get to see my little boy back; the more that I hope and pray that we never have to go through this again. I just feel like this is constantly on my mind. I think so much about what this past year has been like and it was honestly HELL, that‘s the best word that I can find to describe it. It was the worst nightmare. It is great to see Payton recovering and returning to his happy self. Payton’s hair is coming in even more and he looks so handsome with his hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

We are trying to stay busy. I actually had a garage sale last weekend and quite enjoyed it once I went to all the effort of putting it together. I forget how much work it is. It feels great to have de-junked our house. I am actually a bit of a people watcher and enjoyed doing it. It was well worth it since we stayed busy and made a little money.

I can’t believe that the kids are almost out for the summer. All four of us are heading back to Utah/Idaho to visit family the end of June. I am really excited as it will be nice to get away. As hard as it was to head back to work, it has been good for me to have that break. It helps me get away and to forget about my problems and to have some adult interaction. It also makes me excited to come home and see my kids again as well.


Becky said...

wow he looks so different!! what a cutie!! I love reading your blog!

aurora said...

It is amazing how he is changing with his hair growing in! Wow. He is a handsome little guy.

I don't know that it is weird for it to be taking you a long time. I know that it would for me. Just with Lilly's small time of being ill it seemed like I was very easily set to tears and anxiety for many months afterward. I think that it is good that you are moving forward with work and keeping busy. I am sure that is the best thing. I have heard of people who don't let their kids get involved and they continue to live in the illness. I think that you are doing all of the right things. Love ya' ♥♥♥

Rochelleht said...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute! I love that hair. He just looks like a little kid with a buzzed summer haircut!

I'm so glad it's almost summer and you guys can all recover together from this yucky year. I think it's totally normal to be emotional still. I honestly don't know how you did it. You're amazing.

Rebecca said...

He looks so healthy. It's fun to see him recovering and looking so great.

I think that you are recovering just as much as he is, just in a different way. Hang in will all come together and get better soon.

aubs33 said...

Emily, the experience you had with him over this last year's time was so traumatic; maybe you are having a some symptoms of of post traumatic stress syndrome. It's a very real thing. I have experienced it myself. I'm sure you are way stronger in many ways, but probably more emotional too because of the magnitude of it all. It sometimes takes more time to heal emotionally than we expect.