Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

This morning when I awoke I quickly remembered where we were last year. Payton was stuck in isolation in his hospital room the whole day from a hard round of chemo. I remember breaking away to take Savannah to the trunk or treat and carrying around a bag for Payton; Savannah and I took it to the hospital afterward. Wow, what a difference a year makes. When Payton awoke this morning I told him it was his day since he missed out last year. I asked him what he wanted to do and he replied “go to the donut store and get a chocolate donut.” We took off in our PJ’s and got us some yummy donuts. It was great seeing Payton and Savannah dress in their costumes, getting so excited to go trick or treating. Payton was a Pirate and Savannah Tinker Bell. We went to our ward trunk or treat and then came back and spent the evening eating snacks and enjoying each other’s company. It was such a great day and we feel so blessed that we got to spend the day with our little Payton. Reflecting over the past year really makes me want to keep my life in perspective. Hope that everyone had a fun day!

Last year at Cook's


Emily said...

Happy Halloween! You really made my night getting to see Savannah and Payton all dressed up and looking so happy. I sure love these special grand-kids and am so glad you had such a great day all together this year. love you all, Mom (grandma)

smithfamilyfun said...

Hey Em and Chad, It is so good to see payton looking so good! I can't believe how grown-up our little savy is getting either! We love and miss you guys.

Rochelleht said...

Oh, they were adorable. What a fun night! I love our Trunk or Treat. It's so fun to get to see all our friends in one place.

aurora said...

What a difference in little Payton! I am sure that he had a blast! He looks so great. I have to admit that I choke up when I get on your homepage and see that picture of him wearing the 'survivor' banner... He is a little survivor, and you would NEVER know what a tough year he just came out of.
Savannah was a GORGEOUS Tinkerbell! wow.