Monday, December 29, 2008

Fun in the Sun

We took advantage of the nice weather and had lunch at the park. Other than the nasty scrape Payton got on his stomach, the kids had a good time playing outside. Did I mention that I am loving this weather? Winter in the 70's...Gotta Love it.


Jeff said...

Dear Emily,

I have just finished reading your entire blog. What an incredible journey your family has been on for the past year and a half. My son, Pablo was diagnosed with bi-lateral Wilms' tumor in May '08. The histology on the right side was unfavorable and we began UH-1 straight away. We are just past half way and staying the course. I would love to talk to you if you're open to that. Payton is an inspiration to me - your entire family is, actually... but seeing the images of Payton post cancer is just so inspiring! My email is

All the best in this healthy and happy new year.

Jo Ann Thrailkill
mother to Pablo Castelaz

irbuanosraL said...

What beautiful pictures. I am so jealous of your weather!

Tanalyn said...

Oh what I wouldn't give to have that nice weather right now. We've been stuck in this inversion crap for awhile and it's getting old. Maybe I should head your direction....