Thursday, December 11, 2008

Payton's 9 month after treatment CT/MRI

Today was Payton’s 9 month after treatment MRI/CT. Payton did well and everything went smoothly. After we were called back to pre anesthesia I took Payton to the bathroom and he asked me to sing twinkle, twinkle little star with him. It always amazes me how music can relax Payton. We arrived back and after filling out the appropriate papers and answering questions, we were asked if Payton would be able to do the CT scan without anesthesia. It has something to do with the breathing and getting better results, so I told them that we could try. While waiting for our turn Payton fell asleep on my lap, so I was able to carry him back to do the CT scan. They strapped him down and I prayed that he would stay asleep fearing that if he were to wake up in the machine strapped down, he would freak out. My prayers were answered and I was so relieved that Payton stayed asleep through the process. After the CT scan I carried Payton back to pre-anesthesia where they messed with him enough that he awoke. The anesthesiologist arrived and Payton was put under for his MRI, not my favorite part. The day went as smooth as it could and Payton did well coming out of his anesthesia. Now is the hard part waiting until our 10:15 appointment with Dr. Bowman tomorrow to hear results. We are grateful the day went well and are all exhausted tonight. We are nervous, but very hopeful.


Rochelleht said...

I'm sure everything will be just fine. I'm so glad that it worked out well and you made it through one more.

Emily said...

Payton is such a brave little boy. We are all waiting with great anticipation and praying for great results once again- the waiting is the scary part. We're sure all will be well. Hang in there! We love you. Mom

irbuanosraL said...

I'll keep you in my prayers today Emily. Hugs-

aurora said...

What a wonderful blessing that he stayed asleep for the CT scan! I am sure that a very Merry Christmas is just around the corner. xox