Thursday, August 4, 2011

Payton's accident

The kids have been asking to go to Chuck E Cheese sometime this summer, so on Thursday we decided that we would go. Payton was so excited to get his tokens to play some games. He wanted to count all of his tokens by himself since he loves to count these days. We had been there about 10 minutes and Payton was so excited to come show me some tickets that he had won. He came running over to show me and tripped and fell flat into a corner of a bench. Payton hitting the bench made a loud noise and I just knew that it was not a good thing. Payton got up and I could see right away that it was bad enough that he would need stitches. Payton was not crying at all which concerned me, I thought that maybe he had a concussion. We laid him down on a table to assess his head and put pressure on his wound. Payton was still calm and was just looking around the room. We started asking him questions to what happened and he just calmly answered them. Payton’s head was bleeding a lot, so I knew that we needed to get him seen quickly. We gathered our stuff, got into the car and drove to Cook’s. We arrived at Cook’s and were immediately seen. The doctor confirmed that Payton’s incision was deep enough that he would need stitches. A nurse came in and put some numbing cream on the incision. Payton sat there the whole time and never cried or flinched a bit. They came back and stitched Payton up. Five stitches total and Payton actually fell asleep while they were putting the stitches in. Payton has a high pain tolerance and I believe it is because of all he has been through. I was totally amazed that he never cried or flinched at all. What a brave little guy. Payton did much better than I did, I was a total mess. Payton seems to trip a lot; it is a side effect of one of the chemo drugs that he received, but it is hard to know if that is it. Payton will have his stitches in for five days.

We were all so excited to finally be getting home. When we arrived home I could tell that our house felt a little warmer than usual. I didn’t think much about it since we have been in the 100’s for over 36 straight days. Our house continued to get warmer through the evening and I noticed the temperature was going up instead of down. We checked the vents and they were blowing out hot air. What a rough day it had been. We were lucky we had a window ac unit in our garage. We pulled it out and put it in our bedroom window and closed all the doors. It was an uncomfortable night. First thing the next morning we were on the phone with our landlord hoping to get it fixed. We were told they would send someone out between the hours of 1 to 6 p.m. and that we needed to stay there during that time frame. Savannah went to a friend’s house and Payton and I rented a movie and sat in front of the window unit and waited it out. It was miserable and I felt bad for Payton, but he was such a trouper. At 5:00 they finally showed up. It was the capacitor that had gone out so they were able to quickly fix it. What a crazy 24 hours I was ready to have over. I am very grateful for a/c in this miserable heat spell that we are having. I am grateful that Payton did as well as he did with his stitches. While we were waiting I said a prayer that he would do well with his stitches and that he would stay calm. Payton has his scans coming up the first week of September and I didn’t want to scare him or make it a traumatic experience so that he had a hard time coming back. I feel that I am constantly being blessed with him and everything keeps working out the way it is supposed to.

Payton waiting to get his stitches
Payton just after getting his stitches in. I cannot believe that he is smiling.
Payton is very proud of himself because he received a brave kid cape for being so good. He was also excited that he got a popsicle.
A couple days later at home.


Rochelleht said...

Wow! I am SOOO sorry for all of that. I can't imagine that kind of heat. I am seriously scared to death to come home. And boy, Payton is such a trooper! So are you. That makes dog stitches look like nothing! ;-)

Memory said...

Poor Payton! Poor Mom! I can't believe all that happened to you in a day. We were just at Chuck E Cheese and I can see how easily this could have happened. :( So sorry!

aurora said...

Wow! Bless his heart (and yours!) I haven't read blogs in a while and had no idea. So glad that all went well with it. He is such a brave little guy. xoxox