Monday, August 22, 2011

1st Day Back to School

Payton and Savannah's 1st Day Back to School. Payton is going into 1st Grade at BlueBonnet and Savannah is going into 5th grade at Park Wood Hill Intermediate School. Both kids were very excited.

Malcom, Savannah and Olivia. This is our carpool crew for Park Wood Hill.

Payton and his friend Geoffrey. Geoffrey is Payton's class this year.

Payton in front of Mrs. Ogle's door.

Payton with his friend Lorenzo. Lorenzo was in Payton's Kindergarten class last year.

Payton with his friend Nicky. Nicky is in Payton's class this year.

Payton at his desk.

Payton with Zoe. This is our carpool crew for BlueBonnet

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