Friday, June 12, 2009

Payton's Results...

GREAT NEWS! Payton's MRI and CT Scans both showed up clean with no evidence of disease. What a great feeling that is. I really had a good feeling, but there is always that doubt that goes through your head. Our clinic appointment went well and it's a great feeling to have another scan and appointment down. Now we can resume on with life for another 3 months. Thanks for all your prayers and kind words. I am so grateful that we have our little guy here with us. We love you Payton and are so proud of the brave little boy that you are.


aurora said...

That is the BEST NEWS EVER!!! How thrilling and wonderful for you all.
Hugs and Kisses. xo

Jill Allsop said...

Emily and Chad, What a great blessing and a miracle. Your family is so darling and it was so good to see you at the services for Grandpa. He loved you so much and was so concerned for Payton. You are truly examples of strength to me. I hope that each day ahead is better and better. Have fun at the wedding. Isn't it just like God to have you girls in Texas together at a time of your lives when you needed each other so much. I love you all.

Rochelleht said...

YEAH!!! I'm SO glad things are moving right along and he is so healthy!!