Friday, February 6, 2009

A day with Payton...

Conversation between Payton and myself:

Payton…Mom, where’s my other shoe?

Me…I don’t know Payton you’re going to have to look for it

Payton…Let’s buy another shoe

Me…No…Payton we are not going to buy another shoe…You will have to find your shoe

We do this every day, we can never find Payton’s shoes. Then I hear Payton talking on the phone in the other room…I go in to listen. On the phone Payton is saying…Santa Clause I need you to bring me another shoe...I’ve lost my shoe and my mom said she won’t buy me another.

Finally we find Payton’s other shoe.

Payton…I need to call Santa back and tell him to bring me two shoes now…for the next time I lose my shoe.

We finally make it to Target…In Target we throw a huge temper tantrum because we want gold fish…I’m seriously thinking to myself why do I take this kid anywhere.

Finally back home and we are as happy as can be. We would much rather be home. We spend the day outside since it's an absolutely beautiful day in the 70’s. Payton asked if he could bring his back pack outside…He is such a pack rat…when we tell him that he gets mad and says no I’m not I’m Payton.


aurora said...

That is so funny! He called Santa? Well, whatever works. :D
The next time you are having a day outside, give me a ring~ Nicky wanted to go out, but I didn't want to sit in the yard alone... silly, huh?

Lynn said...

That's our Payton! He make us laugh with all the fun things he says. We have been home just a week and miss you all. One of these days we won't be so far away from you guys. Thanks for sharing such a delightful conversation. We love you! Mom and Dad

Tanalyn said...

How cute! You are so good writing all this down. He looks adorable with that long hair!