Thursday, March 8, 2012

Payton's 4 Year A/T Scans tomorrow....

Tomorrow is Payton’s 4 year after treatment scans. I can still vividly remember 5 years ago when my little guy had just turned 2 years old. Hearing the dreaded words that Payton had cancer. Only other children get cancer, not mine, right? Are the words that I remember telling myself. But it was my child that had it and we had to face it. I remember feeling so helpless, sad and wondering if I would have the opportunity to watch Payton grow up. Here we are five years later and I am so grateful everyday for him. Somehow through all of this it has given me perspective on life and a huge amount patience that I know I never would have had. It hasn’t been an easy five years. We have had our challenges but I would do it all over again if I had to. Payton is such a fun loveable boy and lifts my spirits every day. He is a peacemaker in our family and always wants to make sure that everyone is happy. He has a contagious laugh and smile.

My prayer tonight is this…. I ask that Payton continues to stay healthy and strong. Let Payton stay cancer free and please give me the opportunity to raise him and watch him grow up. I am having so much fun with my little Payton and I cannot imagine my life without him. Thank you for getting us through the past five years. Thank you for teaching me how to have faith, patience and love. I will continue to do all that I can to help him have a happy successful life. Thank you for everyday that I have to spend with Payton. I don’t take a single day or hour for granted. I will continue having faith and try to stay strong. I am sorry for my weak moments I just cannot imagine what I would do without him.

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