Sunday, December 19, 2010

You think you will always remember the little things...

I wanted to take a moment and jot down a few cute things that Payton has been saying lately. The other night Chad was laying down with Payton in his bed and Payton told him “Dad, You have to find someone else to marry.” Chad thought for a minute, maybe mom had gotten mad at Payton today and so Chad replied, “Why is that Payton?” Payton responded “because I am going to marry Mom and so you have to find someone else to marry now.”

Several months ago, Payton came home from school, I noticed that he hadn’t received his stamp for the day and so I asked him what had happened. Payton’s response was “Mrs. Beasley needed a volunteer to move their clip to red to make sure that the clips were working right, so I told her that I would volunteer to move my clip.”

Payton is always doing sweet little gestures. I was taking Savannah to a Birthday Party and we were running a few minutes late, so I ran out the door without my coat. I asked Payton if he wanted to walk with me to the door and he jumped out of the car. While we were walking, I noticed that he had taken off his coat. I turned to Payton and said “why did you take off your coat?” Payton was handing me over his coat and said “Mom, You forgot your coat and I didn’t want you to be cold, put it on, he replies.”

Payton is a big Star Wars fan these days. He is always chasing us around with his light sabers and sticking his hand out pretending to use Jedi Powers.

1 comment:

Rochelleht said...

Ok, that red clip comment had me laughing out loud. Hilarious. He is such a character.