Sunday, June 13, 2010

Payton's last week of school

Here are some pictures of Payton’s Pre-K graduation and his last day of school. I was so excited to be able to attend his Graduation. I sobbed the whole graduation as I thought about all that he has been through over the past few years. I was so grateful to see him there. Payton enjoyed his year end party. I know that he is going to miss his teacher Mrs. Robertson and her Aid Ms. Riley. They have been so great to him this school year.


Lynn said...

What a cute graduate you are Payton. Grandpa and I loved being able to see your fun pictures of your graduation. It is such a blessing that Payton was able to finish up his Pre-K year and be there with all his friends and great teachers. We count our blessings every day when we think how well Payton is now doing. Congratulations Payton! We sure do love you, and Savannah too!

Rochelleht said...

Oh, he's SO cute. I'm so glad that you were able to reach this milestone. It's always a tender experience, but even more so for you guys. BRAVO!

aurora said...

It is so great to see that he was able to be healthy and well at his graduation! What a blessing. Now for some summer fun! xo

Victoria said...

I was thinking about Payton tonight and realized it has been a while since I checked out your blog. I love seeing the pictures of Payton and am so happy he is doing well. What a special guy! Tell him I said hello and that I miss him!