Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finally able to continue on with chemo

My mom flew in for 10 days since Chad had to be out of town. She was such a big help since we were admitted in the hospital for 4 days. They had to access Payton’s port 3 different times. I felt so bad for Payton the first time they were testing out some new needles and didn’t get it in right. I noticed that he had IV fluid dripping all over his shirt. The second time they didn’t use the right size of needle. Third time was the charm. Poor Payton he was screaming louder than I’ve ever heard him scream. He was really upset. One time is bad enough. Sometimes I wonder what he is thinking. No two-year old should have to be this traumatized. That backed our chemo up until late into the evening due to all the problems. Payton did much better this round with the reduced chemo dosages. Dr. Bowman decided to reduce the chemo drugs that lower his counts by 25 %. We only needed 2 platelet transfusions and 1 red blood cell transfusion. His counts dropped to their lowest after 10 to 14 days and then went back up just like they should. No fevers which meant no unexpected hospital visits. This has given us some hope that we might not be in the hospital after every big round of chemo. It has been so nice to be at home a little more. I am so grateful that my mom was able to come. I’m not sure that I would have made it through the week without her. We were so glad to get Chad back.

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